Project Play

Praise God for providing a large area for the kids to play in. The Lighthouse kids spend limited amounts of time on technology and media, with a strong focus on playing outdoors and encouraging imagination through creative play. A few playground items such as a merry-go-round, small trampoline, or other outdoor playground equipment would be a blessing for the kids.

Project estimate: $2,600

Total Received: $675

Remaining Need: $1,925

Girls' dorm roof and renovation

Lighthouse field and play area

Lighthouse Training Center

Lighthouse Training Center (TLC) is a new ministry project for young adults to equip them spiritually while they pursue trade school, bible school, and/or university or college. Horizons Center has already secured 1 acre of land designated for buildings that will include a training center and onsite dorms/rooms for 20-24 young adults and other living and training facilities. Land development, building plans, and building costs are currently underway. To learn more about how you can get involved or ways to help, Contact Us.

The celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior as a family is an incredible blessing to the kids. They understand the gift of Jesus and praise that miracle each day. Celebrating as a family is so special to them, and this year the goal is to give them a few smaller gifts, and $8.00 each to buy a gift for a name they picked out of a hat of their Lighthouse brother/sister. The day will include morning family celebration/opening gifts, games and activities for part of the day, and a Christmas dinner.

Project Estimate: $1,235 ($65.00 per person)
Total Received: $585

Remaining Need: Provided! Thank you!

New pavers and driveway installation

Christmas Outreach 2020!

the Lighthouse Children's Home

Thanks to you...

Lighthouse Family Christmas 2023

Land site for Lighthouse Training Center

Family Christmas - all the boys 2021

We have a growing list of completed projects including sponsorships for the children, pavers for the driveway, a carport, a water well, new truck tires, new buildings, the renovation of the girls' dorm and boys' bathrooms, clean water tank, and educational sponsorship of our older children. 

Be a part of the Lighthouse

and support a project!

Christmas Outreach 2023!

Due to ongoing outbreaks, the local community is cautious and large group gatherings remain limited. Despite this, the kids want to prepare small gift packages and drop them off at a school that boards about 20 children. The gift package will include a toy or gift, socks, an item they need, colored pencils (for school and for themselves), and a few other items. It will be a great opportunity for the Lighthouse kids to plan and prepare together and be a blessing to others.

Project Estimate: $500 ($25.00 per person)
Total Received: $50 (Lighthouse kids selling recyclables)
Remaining Need: $450